Regular Workshops in Lincolnshire

Holistic, gentle Yoga suitable for every body.
Finding Harmony through Yoga in Hatha, Mantra and Mandala
At Minting Village Hall, Lincolnshire LN9 5RX
Saturday 22nd March 2025
During the morning, mindful Hatha Yoga, including cleansing and harmonising Pranayama practices, Mudras and visualisation, will come together with vocal toning and conclude with deep relaxation into a beautiful soundscape created by a healing Crystal Bowls Sound Bath
The afternoon will be centred in the practice of Mantra Yoga, including Meditation with Bija Mantras to bring balance and vibrancy to the Chakras, creative Mandala accompanied by the meditative sounds of tibetan bowls.
You will need to bring a Yoga mat, blanket, cushion and a packed lunch.
Paper and drawing equipment will be provided for creating your Mandala, but please feel free to bring your own if you prefer.
This workshop qualifies as an additional workshop for students on the College of Sound Healing Practitioner Course. A certificate of attendance will be supplied.
Please contact Blu to book your place or for more information.