Forthcoming Events

A Sound Healing Course in Lincolnshire

Blu Cottam


Accredited by the College of Sound Healing

VENUES (click for dates):
Minting Village Hall, Lincolnshire LN9 5RX
Minting Village Hall, Lincolnshire LN9 5RX

This course is especially designed for those wishing to work as Sound Healers or for therapists or healers wishing to incorporate Sound Healing into their practice.

The Course is taken over five consecutively-attended weekends spread over the course of approximately one year.

When all aspects of the course have been successfully completed you will receive a certificate of accreditation by the College of Sound Healing, qualifying as a practitioner of sound healing.

Each weekend is experiential and practical with some theory. Exercises and techniques will be taught to fine-tune and harmonize the voice and to explore different ways of giving Sound Healing treatments.

Since this involves both giving and receiving, the weekends can have a therapeutic and clarifying effect upon our own energies. The course can be therefore be transformational on a personal level... as well as an enjoyable and uplifting experience and a great way to share with like-minded people.

The techniques learned each weekend are practised in case-studies during the three months before the next part of the course. This naturally and progressively builds confidence and understanding of the practice of sound healing. It also enhances and extends the vocal range and harmonies of our voice so that it becomes an ever more finely tuned instrument for healing.

Part One: An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice

  • Finding Your Voice - discovering the healing power of the voice.
  • Learning exercises to clear blockages from the voice and create purer tone, naturally deepening the breath.
  • Experience a sound healing session.
  • Harmonics - understanding harmonics and their role in healing. Listening for harmonics and learning techniques for creating vocal harmonics.
  • Learning sacred chants from different spiritual traditions.
  • Using sound for meditation and to balance the chakras.

Part Two: The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing

  • Principles - Understanding the principles of sound healing.
  • Energy Awareness - working with healing energy. Psychic protection.
  • Tuning Forks - learn how to use tuning forks in a healing session.
  • Sound Healing Treatment - learn how to give a basic sound healing treatment. Using the voice for diagnosis. Using sound to release pain. Understanding the value of silence in a sound healing session.

Part Three: Music as Medicine

  • Music as Medicine - understanding why music is healing.
  • Musical Intervals - Experiencing the healing power of musical intervals. Learning how to use musical intervals in a sound healing session.
  • Indian Scale - Learning the sounds of the Indian Scale. Using the Indian Scale to balance the chakras.
  • Healing Process - understanding the healing process. Blocks to healing.

Part Four: Sound Healing through the Chakras

  • Chakras - understanding the chakras and the five elements.
  • Sanskrit Sounds - learning how to sound the Sanskrit bija mantras for the chakras. Learning how to balance the chakras with the bija mantras.
  • Assessment - carrying out a supervised sound healing treatment.

Part Five: Graduation Weekend

  • Course Review - reviewing the sound healing practices learnt on the course.
  • Certificate - receiving your course completion certificate.
  • New Practices - using sound with colour. Toning with your client. Using percussive sounds in a treatment. Distant healing with sound.

Some written homework will be assigned after each of the weekends, all based on your own practical experiences. After each of Parts 2, 3 and 4 you will be expected to complete 12 case studies using the techniques learned on that weekend.

The criteria for sucessful completion of the course are :

A total of 36 case studies to have been carried out

All homework submitted

An extended essay successfully completed (externally marked)

A practical assessment carried out to the satisfaction of the tutor.

Two further College of Sound Healing validated Workshops need to be taken (minimun 6 hrs each) before or during your practitioner training.

You will also be required to become a student member of the College, to have a current First Aid certificate and Insurance cover as a Student-practitioner of Sound Healing (available through the College)

The course is spread over 5 weekends through the year ahead. The cost per weekend is £220=£1100 for the course. Full payment ahead for the 5 weekends £990 A course book is provided.

A £50.00 deposit will secure your place, with payment in full  required two weeks before the start date of each weekend.

TIMES: Saturdays 10am-5pm, Sundays 10am-4pm

Please call or e.mail for further information and to reserve your place.

View Refunds Policy

Blu Cottam