Forthcoming Events

Yoga Classes in Lincolnshire

Yoga Classes in Lincolnshire


Prepare for a wonderful Yoga journey designed to bring more ease, vibrancy and aliveness to our body, more peace and calm to our mind, and to develop more positivity and lightness to our heart and soul. Working without pressure or competition, our body easefully becomes ever more supple and strong, we gain increasing levels of self-awareness in our body and mind and find ourselves more in harmony with our spirit ...more "comfortable in our own skin" and able to own who we truly are.

Breath is key, as carrier of the vital Life Force Energy (Prana) guiding the ebb and flow of our Hatha (physical posture) practice.

We may also incorporate the use of Vocal Tones and Visualisation, especially of Colour...and work with Mantra, Meditation and Deep Relaxation. It is in the stillness of Deep Relaxation and the still places inbetween postures that true connection within and real integration of the beneficial effects of our practice can happen.

Yoga practised with this wholistic approach,  brings together a wonderful company of tools that can be utilized for self-healing and personal development.  Ultimately the goal of Yoga is to bring ourselves into total harmony within as well as with others and with all of life around us, to truly discover our Oneness with All...expressed in the Sanskrit language of Yoga as "Sat-Chit-Ananda" ... Truth-Consciousness-Bliss.

At Online via Zoom

Thursday Evenings

7.30pm to 9.00 pm

Cost: £7.50

To connect for this online class you will need a device such as a laptop/Ipad/mobile phone with camera and speaker to connect with Zoom-usually, if you can stream YouTube, you will be able to receive Zoom.

Please contact Blu if you wish to join. After booking, you will be sent the link for Zoom each week.

You will also need a suitable space to practice where you won't be interrupted for the duration of the class(both for your own focus as well as to respect other participants) 

Tuition also available for.....

  • One-to-One personal class
  • Private Groups in your own space
  • Workshops: Yoga and Sound / Yoga and Colour

Please contact Blu to discuss possibilities, to reserve your place, or if you need any further information.

View Refunds Policy

Blu Cottam