Regular Workshops in Lincolnshire

How to correctly align our Assemblage Point , the main connection between our energy field, our Vital Life Force energies and our body
Learning how to align the Assemblage Point will enable you to help your clients achieve enhanced and better maintainable benefits from the healing treatments that you offer.
Saturday 10am-5pm/Sunday 10am-4pm
At Yoga Studio, High Toynton, near Horncastle, Lincolnshire
This Workshop Intensive is suitable for practicing therapists. Its aim
is to show you how to check and correctly align, if necessary, the Assemblage Point within your clients. Checking this for your client beforehand (once learned and practiced should only take a few minutes) will ensure that the way will be optimally open for the treatments that you follow on with will be received and integrated more deeply, will be even more
effective and their beneficial effects will be better maintained.
The Assemblage Point is located within the subtle energy bodies, roughly around the level of the heart in the centre of the chest. Our energy bodies form an amazing torroidal shape around us with the Assemblage point right at the centre like tiny hole in the middle of a ring doughnut, where all the "luminous energy threads" of the Etheric, Astral and Causal bodies come together into the physical body, bringing us our Vital Life Force energy...
When the Assemblage Point is out of alignment it is much harder for the benefits of healing treatments to be fully integrated and maintained...we are unable to receive our full quota of energy that we need for a vibrant life of health and wellbeing. It can, for example, repercuss in states of depression and chronic fatigue when it slips too low...or in hyper or aggressive states when it moves too high...or conditions such as bi-polar when it has become so unstable that it fluctuates between too low and too high, for example.
The Assemblage Point can shift because of difficult life situations that impact on our emotions and mental outlook, as well as our physical body, for example experiencing traumas, accidents, operations, loss of a loved one, ongoing illness.
On this weekend workshop you will learn how to discern both the correct location of the Assemblage Point as well as how to bring it back into alignment within each of the three main subtle bodies.
You will also be guided in how to use the Shamanic Rattle for clearing/cleansing and restoring balance through the chakras. By keeping this balance and clarity in the bodies we help to maintain a finer level of personal vibration so that we can withstand the natural upsets and challenges of life with greater equilibrium and are better able to maintain our well being and the correct positioning of our own Assemblage Point.
In this way, the use of the Rattle can be an invaluable tool for Practitioners to incorporate within their personal and healing space energy care. We will look at energy care for the Practitioner. As therapists it is vital to keep our energies and our healing space clean so that we don't hold on to other people's energy nor pass that on to the next clients.
Please contact Blu to book your place or for more information.